Start: | April 3, 2011 1:00 pm |
End: | April 3, 2011 3:00 pm |
Venue: | Belmont Mansion |
Phone: | 615-460-5459 |
Address: | 1900 Belmont Blvd, Nashville, TN, United States, 37212 |
Cost: | FREE |
Local gardening guru host book signing at Belmont Mansion on April 3rd
Save Time, Save Effort, Save Plants: New book provides cut-to-the chase Garden Tenets for the modern, out-of-time homeowner.
(Nashville, TN) Belmont Mansion is excited to participate in the release of Garden Rules: The Snappy Synopsis for the Modern Gardener written by Billie Brownell and Jayme Jenkins. Billie Brownell will sign books from 1 to 3 PM. She will talk about gardening at 1:30. Admission is free.
Jayme Jenkins, founder of aHa! Modern Living and host of the popular home & garden Podcast Nest In Style, and Billie Brownell, long time best-selling garden book editor, know that the world of gardening is chock-full of misinformation, fine print, advice and tips that can reduce a newbie gardener to sweaty disbelief and fluent cursing. As authors of the new book Garden Rules: The Snappy Synopsis for the Modern Gardener (Cool Springs Press, February 2011), they know that most just want the set of garden laws, 101 garden basics, and a little guidance to avoid losing an entire patio of potted plants, a full hedge, or a whole lawn to weeds.
Garden Rules is a compendium of the basic rules that every gardener who has ever grown a 15-foot “Dwarf” or tried to grasp the details of a USDA Hardiness Zone map, will value. Brownell believes there are stops between inspiration and full-out landscape design—like buying perfect gloves, avoiding Big Box bargain bins, and knowing when to put up the hose. “The expectation for a beautiful garden and a perfectly manicured lawn can seem a bit overwhelming at times,” says Brownell. “But there is a timeless set of gardening rules that can truly demystify the entire experience.” Garden Rules is the Brownell and Jenkins answer to the wide range of mistakes that an unwitting freshman gardener may make—perennial after dead perennial.
It is the ultimate beginner’s guide to the basics – given a modern treatment.
About the Authors
Billie Brownell spent many years in the corporate world of marketing, advertising, and publishing from Scripps‑Howard to PC World magazine to the largest ad agency in the Southeast to Cool Springs Press. She now balances (or, tries to balance) being an editor, writer, aspiring author of children’s books, and a gardener with her passion of riding horses. She knows how to cut to the chase in order to fit it all in, although this partly includes arising at 5 a.m. In addition to taking care of her horse Keillor (named for Garrison Keillor), Billie volunteers at a therapeutic riding facility and serves as the self‑nominated social cruise director for all who will allow it. You can find Billie on Facebook, Twitter, and via her blog at Cool Springs Press.
Jayme Jenkins, a former corporate sales rep, is now a full‑time online entrepreneur with a virtual store specializing in modern home and garden décor. Jayme maintains contact by hosting two blogs, two Twitter accounts, two Facebook Fan Pages, and a garden‑lifestyle podcast. She knows firsthand the challenges of balancing a professional career and a busy lifestyle.
Online Store: aHa! Modern Living
Blogs: aHa! Home & Garden
Podcast: Nest In Style
Twitter: aHa! Modern Living; Nest In Style
Facebook: Jayme Jenkins; aHa! Modern Living; Nest In Style
About Cool Springs Press
Cool Springs Press is a leading publisher of gardening information in the United States. Founded in 1994, as a state and regional gardening book publisher, Cool Springs Press has grown into a garden media company with expansion into online publishing, networking, and content delivery platforms.
About Belmont Mansion
A National Historic Site since 1971, Belmont Mansion currently operates as a house museum, maintained by the Belmont Mansion Association. Belmont Mansion is open daily for guided tours, Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. For general inquiries and inquiries please visit www.belmontmansion.com or call 615-460-5459.
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